As the days get shorter and the nights colder, it’s inevitable that winter cannot be too far away. Here are a few points to think about to help dogs cope with the cold wintry weather to come.Young pup.. More >

As the weather warms up and summer is approaching, every veterinary practice will soon be seeing increasing numbers of dogs and cats with itchy skin. This is partly because fleas and other parasi.. More >

Over my more than forty years in veterinary practice there are certain conditions that I have seen far more commonly than others. In the 'top ten' of health problems are definitely itchy skins, recurr.. More >

Hints for Spring and Summer by Richard Allport, Diet’Dog’s consultant vetFollowing the miserable Winter we have had, it’s hard to remember that we do sometimes get hot summery weather in the UK. But w.. More >

I always try and avoid using clichés, but when discussing food and the digestive tract there is one that's difficult to escape - we are what we eat. This applies equally to pets and to people. If we e.. More >

Cold wintery weather can be brutal on our skin, which is why 73% of us use more hand and body lotion during the winter months*. Our pets are no strangers to the effects of cold conditions either, whic.. More >

It’s the largest and one of the most important organs in your dog’s body but do you really appreciate your pet’s skin? Comprising 10-15% of his total bodyweight, the skin protects the body, regulates .. More >

The number of dogs being fed on a raw natural diet is increasing rapidly. More and more people who are looking for natural ways to keep dogs fit and healthy realise that good health starts with good n.. More >

The dog days of summer may be over, but there is still so much for you and your pet to enjoy, Autumn is a great time for dogs. Now that we’ve all made it through the “dog days” of summer, it’s time to.. More >

As autumn approaches a lot of dog owners might find that their pets are itching more than usual. This is commonly due to Harvest Mites which are particularly active during the seasonal change. Harvest.. More >

We have woofstatic news for those living in Cambridgeshire...our products are now available at Scampers Natural Pet Store, Soham. .. More >

As Summertime approaches and temperatures rise, so does the risk of seasonal pesky parasites like fleas and ticks. While the mild temperatures and early spring weather have been great for getting outs.. More >

It may not seem like it, but a dog’s life can be pretty stressful. Not in the same way our lives are stressful – they don’t have deadlines, kids that need to get dropped off at school and a car to tak.. More >

The holiday season brings with it a huge range of hazards for your furry friend. Here are some tips you may want to consider.Items such as ribbon and tinsel are very attractive to mischievous dogs and.. More >
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